Favourite wardrobe items? Can’t live without colourful socks. I regularly empty shelves at Paul Smith.
Favourite designer? Dries van Noten.
Most recent purchase? An oversized olive colored trench from Raey.
You are wearing the new 18k rose gold IWC Portugieser Chronograph with alligator strap. Why did you choose it? I love how understated it is – both elegant and timeless – and it takes a second or third glance to see its real value. I seek to exist in very much the same way.
Most sentimental object you own? Cookbooks passed on to me by Mom and her sister.
Favorite item of furniture? My coffee table is a vintage piece from Maison Jansen and it’s one of the first pricey items I acquired.
Artists you like? Lakin Ogunbanwo, Lionel Smit, Malick Sidibe, Frances Goodman, Chris Soal, Zanele Muholi, Frans Smit, to name a few.
Person(s) you most admire? Optimists.
Guilty pleasures? Design mags and full-fat lattes.
Recent gift received? Barack Obama’s book Dreams From My Father.
Recent gift given? Michelle Obama’s book Becoming.
As a globetrotter, what are your tips for staying fit and healthy? Taking the stairs whenever possible and intermittent fasting.
Down time? What’s that?
Globetrotting style guru Chris Glass of SoHo House lets us in on his favourite things
SoHo House's head of membership: city and connect, Europe and Africa on grooming, style and keeping fresh while on the move
Image: Ori Taub
For more than a decade, charismatic globetrotter Chris Glass, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, has been resident in Berlin, Germany, where he is head of membership: city and connect, Europe and Africa for SoHo House, the hotel chain and group of private members’ clubs for “creative souls”.
In 2017, with the launch of Cities Without Houses, a new membership category, this bon vivant was tasked with building communities in Milan, Lisbon, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Rome, Warsaw, Zurich and, most recently, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
Glass ventured into interior design after his lavish apartment in Berlin was featured in several prominent design magazines and he was contacted by people looking for a similar style for their homes. He describes his decor as “unapologetic, bold and glamorous with touches of ethnic flare”.
Rich Mnisi channels his childhood memories of clothing into a truly distinctive, honest style
The multi-talented Glass also contributes to various titles, including Icon and Vogue, and is on the Mr Porter Style Council – a group of well-connected men who give insider travel and style tips.
Who better to speak to about style, grooming and keeping fresh on the move than this man who claims home is “where his suitcase is”?
How would you best describe your personal style? Chic or cheeky. I love a pop of color and a bold pattern but one never goes wrong with refined navy basics.
Image: Sandra Semburg
Favourite wardrobe items? Can’t live without colourful socks. I regularly empty shelves at Paul Smith.
Favourite designer? Dries van Noten.
Most recent purchase? An oversized olive colored trench from Raey.
You are wearing the new 18k rose gold IWC Portugieser Chronograph with alligator strap. Why did you choose it? I love how understated it is – both elegant and timeless – and it takes a second or third glance to see its real value. I seek to exist in very much the same way.
Most sentimental object you own? Cookbooks passed on to me by Mom and her sister.
Favorite item of furniture? My coffee table is a vintage piece from Maison Jansen and it’s one of the first pricey items I acquired.
Artists you like? Lakin Ogunbanwo, Lionel Smit, Malick Sidibe, Frances Goodman, Chris Soal, Zanele Muholi, Frans Smit, to name a few.
Person(s) you most admire? Optimists.
Guilty pleasures? Design mags and full-fat lattes.
Recent gift received? Barack Obama’s book Dreams From My Father.
Recent gift given? Michelle Obama’s book Becoming.
As a globetrotter, what are your tips for staying fit and healthy? Taking the stairs whenever possible and intermittent fasting.
Down time? What’s that?
Image: Supplied
Ideal holiday? January in Ibiza.
Last travel destination that captured your heart? Jozi has my heart at the moment.
What is your daily grooming regimen? A serum in the morning and a serum at night. I have my beard trimmed once a week and go regularly for manicures and facials, so that my daily maintenance is minimal.
Potions you’d never be without? Carmex lip balm and Peter Thomas Roth under-eye patches.
Signature fragrance? For years I wore Philosykos from Diptyque, then Original Musk from Kiehl’s. My newest obsession is Santal 33 from Le Labo.
Favourite Soho House property? Farmhouse in Oxfordshire. It’s literally heaven!
Favourite city with a Soho House? Barcelona.
Image: Supplied
Favourite restaurant at home and abroad? Cecconi’s at Soho House Berlin at home and Mandolin in Miami.
What are you reading? Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.
What can we always find in your fridge? Three types of mustard and a bottle of Franciacorta [sparkling wine from the province of Brescia in Lombardy, Italy].
Master chef or lazy cook? You cook and I’ll do the dishes.
Which series are you loving at the moment? I heart Sex Education.
Are you a collector of anything? Other than frequent flyer miles, I have more vases than any single person should ever own.
Dream dinner party guest(s)? My 16-year-old self and my 60-year-old self.
Best trait? Ask my mom!
Worst trait? Ask my ex!
In an ideal world … We’d all be free.
Any other Chris Glass life hacks? Stop googling, people! You learn so much more when you let a person tell their own story.
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