Apple store front in New York.
Apple store front in New York.
Image: 123RF / Bernard Bodo

Apple is a luxury brand. Its smartphones and watches are expensive, but amazing.

As Warren Buffett said recently: they are worth much more than they cost. Apple stock is trading at an all-time high, more than $230 a share.

It’s still a buy, in my view, because the selling prices of its devices are rising, and customer demand is still strong.

Apple Watch 4.
Apple Watch 4.
Image: Supplied

The new Apple Watch Series 4 has an edge-to-edge Oled display that is 30% larger than earlier models. It has an accelerometer and gyroscope that can detect hard falls, and a heart-rate sensor that can take an electrocardiogram and send it to your cardiologist.

The new flagship iPhone XS has a 5.8-inch screen and a starting price (in the US) of $999. In South Africa, expect to pay as much as R30,000 for the XS Max.

These have improved A12 chips, longer battery life, faster photo capture, and better screen glass. There is a 512GB storage option for those who like keeping everything on their phone, forever. It can store 200,000 photos.

I’m annoyed by people who complain that others look at their phones too much. These devices are awesome, and we are more productive, interconnected, and knowledgeable than ever before.

The top 13 apps on the first screen of my iPhone X are WhatsApp, Twitter, Strava, Waze, Find my Friends, Apple Music, Google Maps, Google Search, YouTube, Starbucks, Discovery Vitality, and Wikipedia.

So yes, I want to have a great phone to be able to use all those life-changing and -enhancing apps. So do hundreds of millions of other happy Apple customers.

- Paul Theron is the founder and CEO of Vestact Asset Management

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