Bambo Sibiya, Jabulile III
Bambo Sibiya, Jabulile III
Image: Supplied


Bambo Sibiya’ s solo exhibition

Bambo Sibiya’s solo exhibition, titled “Ngemva Kokuqubuka – After Precarity”, is a powerful body of work that imagines a restorative and redemptive world, transcending mere representation of Black and femme subjects. On from 1 June to 27 July at CIRCA Gallery in Joburg.

Don’t miss:

  • Wessel van Huyssteen’s “Flood” exhibition at Gallery 2, Joburg, until 22 June
  • “Prince Albert Open Studios”, from 14-17 June in Prince Albert
Malian kora virtuoso, Ballaké Sissoko
Malian kora virtuoso, Ballaké Sissoko
Image: Supplied


A New African String Theory

Malian kora virtuoso Ballaké Sissoko and South African guitarist Derek Gripper collaborate in a complex web of theme and variations. Not to be missed.

Dates: 1 8 -1 9 J u n e

Venue: Baxter Concert Hall, Cape Town

Tickets: R150-R250

Gregory Maqoma's Cion: Requiem of Ravels Bolero is among the works featured at the National Arts Festival
Gregory Maqoma's Cion: Requiem of Ravels Bolero is among the works featured at the National Arts Festival
Image: Supplied


National Arts Festival

As the National Arts Festival celebrates its 50th year, this year’s programme “plays with the juxtaposition of old and new and… a new era of cross-border and international collaboration”. Over 200 productions are featured. 

Dates: 2 0 - 3 0 J u n e

Venue: All over Makhanda, Eastern Cape


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