Simon Borchert
Simon Borchert

The one indulgence you would never forgo? Yacht racing. It is my first love.

The grooming staples you are never without are… Sunblock and moisturiser. Spending so much time on the water your skin gets fried.

Your all-time favourite gadget? More a piece of art rather than a gadget, but it never stops making me smile: my Maserati GT.

The single object you would never part with? Massively uncool to most but my Leatherman. A gift from 20 years ago, it has got me out of more trouble on a yacht offshore than you can imagine.

Your favourite drink? Talker Single Malt Whisky 25 Year Old. Rare to find but simply sublime.

The restaurant you frequent most often? Bascule at The Cape Grace Hotel. My favourite things all in one: Single malt whisky, friends and yachts. Plus they do a damn fine wagu beef burger.

Your personal style signifier? Probably a Calvin Klein waistcoat I bought in New York a few years ago. 

The last thing you bought and loved? A plane ticket to a best friend’s wedding.

Your favourite timepiece and why? U-Boat. A friend bought me a limited edition for my birthday about 8 years ago and I love it. Bold, solid and unique. The piece I would like to get next is the Tag Heuer chronograph they produced for the America’s Cup for the 34th edition.

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year? Dubai. I hadn’t been before. The business, energy and pace is infectious.

The book on your bedside table? Lewis Pugh’s Achieving the Impossible. Lewis is exceptional, his work as an athlete but more over as an ambassador for the environment is beyond inspirational. I’ve read it several times, but I keep it close as a reminder of what you can achieve when you believe and put your head down. I really believe the strongest currency is passion and when you mix passion with purpose it creates alchemy in life that is simply unstoppable.

The last meal that truly impressed you? I am part of an amazing private club called SW&C - Steak, Whisky and Cigars. A group of diverse but exceptional guys who are passionate about cooking. A stand out was Leon’s Picanha with a homemade chimichurri sauce. It’s made ordering steak at a restaurant futile – the best meals I have ever had have been prepared by these amazing friends.

The last music you downloaded? St Paul & The broken Bones. Album is Half The City. If you like jazz with a side order of bluesy rock, get it.

The thing you are eyeing next? Growing my business. It has my absolute focus.

The one thing you will always find in your fridge? Cheese. I am an addict.

The best gift you’ve given recently? The realisation of late is that the best gift you could give or receive is someone’s time. We are all fortunate to have amazing people in our lives and to take the time to honour that is the best thing ever - experiences and memories outlast any material gift.

And the best one you’ve received? The company of friends. My work schedule is off the charts, so as above, when I do get some down time, those who gift me their time make those moments more valuable than anything on a shelf.

The place that inspires you and why? The ocean. It is a sanctuary away from business and the craziness of life. No cell phones, no emails - nada. Just you, your mates and the singular objective of racing. It is the purest thing you can do - powered by wind and the simple belief in those around you. The ocean is so fragile, but so strong and resilient - it reminds you to remain humble but focused.

A recent special find? Apart from whisky, red wine is another campfire my friends and I gather around. Spier’s Creative Block 3 and Paardekloof’s 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon were awesome - both are now never far away...

The last item you added to your wardrobe? Dan Fuller makes some awesome stuff. I bought a pair of his rhino cufflinks. Proceeds to go Mark Boucher’s rhino fund and I wear my conservation heart on my sleeve. That was a cool buy. I also got some new Helly Hansen sailing gear. If you’re sailing in the middle of night in big weather, your kit is literally lifesaving. They make great kit and it is pretty stylish as well. 

Favourite city and why? The more I travel, the more I love coming home to Cape Town. Yes there are bigger more impressive cities in terms of architecture, structure and size, but there is something about seeing that mountain and ocean as you fly in. The people are incredible, the sailing brilliant and the ocean life is simply unbeatable. Plus there is a real can-do spirit in Africa that seems to vibrate through all in Cape Town. It is a place of beauty and opportunity. The lifestyle is amazing, food brilliant, wines world class and you also cannot beat the drives. I’m a petrol head and you cannot beat the sound of a Maserati GT bouncing off the mountain as you wind your way around Chapman’s Peak!

The perfect way to see out 2016 in style, Maserati's Cape Town Race Week takes place from the 15th to the 20th of December 2016 and is hosted by the Royal Cape Yacht Club at the V&A Waterfront. The CT Race Week acts as a forerunner to the iconic Cape2Rio Yacht Race that begins on December 26th.

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