The one indulgence you would never forgo? Uber Black.
The grooming staples you are never without are… Clippers, dental floss and Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer.
Your all-time favourite gadget? My iPhone.
The single object you would never part with? My passport.
Your favourite drink? A dawa.
The restaurant you frequent most often? Flames at the Four Seasons (Westcliff, Joburg).
Your personal style signifier? Anything dark and/or grey.
August 2015
Dean Van Aswegen is taking the interior design world by storm
The founder of Dean VA Design is specialising in residential and retail spaces
Former House & Garden décor editor Dean van Aswegen is lending his eagle eye for chic interior design concepts to private clients. Specialising in
residential and retail spaces, Dean VA Design is taking the interior design world by storm. Check out his Instagram account for a look at his work @deanva.
Image: Annalize Nel
The one indulgence you would never forgo? Uber Black.
The grooming staples you are never without are… Clippers, dental floss and Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer.
Your all-time favourite gadget? My iPhone.
The single object you would never part with? My passport.
Your favourite drink? A dawa.
The restaurant you frequent most often? Flames at the Four Seasons (Westcliff, Joburg).
Your personal style signifier? Anything dark and/or grey.
The best gift you’ve given recently? A hot-air balloon ride.
And the best one you’ve received? A round-trip ticket to New York City.
The place that inspires you and why? My talented friends’ homes.
A recent special “find/discovery”? The Sinatra floor lamp in white and gold from DelightFULL Unique Lamps.
The last item you added to your wardrobe? A jet-black tuxedo jacket.
Favourite city and why? Milan: décor, fashion and the food.