How to store your cigars.
How to store your cigars.
Image: Supplied

There was a time when the cigar box was merely functional, made to adhere to an US law that cigars be packaged in numbers that made it easier to inspect and tax. Prior to this, they were usually shipped in bulk in large containers and, even, barrels.

Gradually, the cigar box evolved, telling the stories of the manufacturer and that particular cigar in the design, label art and overall craftmanship. To show you the importance of the box in these-here times, hearing that a brand has delayed release of a specific cigar because their packaging and labels weren’t ready isn’t totally unheard of.

And, once you have purchased the box, this attention to detail in the design and aesthetics of a cigar box makes it difficult to throw away, until you are faced with boxes upon boxes stacked up in a corner, taking up space because, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we never really get the time to do all the arts and craft ideas that we have for the boxes, or perhaps it is just me. Even when we have a lot of knick-knacks lying around the house, there are only so many things for which we can use the boxes.

Plus, the cigar box, while traditionally made of Spanish cedar wood that helps with retaining flavour as the cigars age and protects them when being transported, is just not the best way to store cigars, in general. They aren’t sealed tightly enough to maintain humidity, even if you put in a humidity pack such as those that Boveda make.

If you really want to turn one or two into a humidor, you do need to sort out the sealing and the hinges and use a cigar box that is big enough to house cigars and a humidifier pack. It doesn’t really seem worth the effort and expense.

There is a wealth of variety when it comes to desk humidors

First prize, if both the budget allows and you are extremely attached to your cigar boxes, is a walk-in humidor. Perhaps the little storage underneath the stairs, the nook in the corner of your living room, the built-in wardrobe in the spare room, or, even better, the one side of your office/study can be blocked off and turned into a mini-walk in. Things you have to consider include flooring, shelving, the door, lighting, protection to ensure moisture doesn’t seep out into the rest of the house and the humidification system.

If that’s overkill for you, consider a single or double door humidor with a built-in temperature and humidification system like the Remington, which allows you to control temperature and humidity electronically, and has enough space to hold both boxes and individual sticks in its trays. Beautifully designed and coming with a cherry or expression wood finish, the LED lighting also shines the spotlight on your precious stogies.

There are various companies globally that produce and supply standing humidors like Remington, including Shenzhen Raching Technology company which bills itself as “China’s wine cooler and cigar humidor leaders” with global distribution, German luxury brand Buben & Zorweg, and Prestige Import Group.

While you figure out scale, there is a wealth of variety when it comes to desk humidors from brands such as Adorini, Anthony Holt & Sons, Daniel Marshall (which also produces cigars), Dunhill and the like. Cigar manufacturers such as Rocky Patel and Davidoff also manufacture exquisite humidors of varying sizes for the desk. Find the humidor that reflects you and your style.

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