The one indulgence you would never forgo? Getting up early every morning to have a cup of coffee, while reading my book, in bed. It’s the best way to gather my thoughts before the day begins.

The grooming staples you are never without... Toothpaste?

Your all-time favourite gadget? My high-powered, cordless drill.

Frances Goodman
Frances Goodman
Image: Aubrey Jonsson @ One League

The single object you would never part with? When I was a teenager I went to Italy by myself. The mother of one of the friends I visited was horrified that I was alone, so she gave me a talisman to protect me on my travels. I always carry it with me.

Your favourite drink? Mariage Frères white needle jasmine tea. 

The restaurant you frequent most often? My father and I love going to Northern Foods in China Town together. 

Your personal style signifier? MAC’s Lady Danger lipstick. 

The last thing you bought and loved? That would be a tie between the last two paintings I bought: one by Marlene Steyn and the other by American artist Max Maslansky. 

Your favourite timepiece and why? My mother recently gave me a Jaeger Lecoultre watch that my father gave her when my sister was born. I love the timeless elegance of it.

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year? The Meiringspoort Pass.

The book on your bedside table? Fanny Hill, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure on my Kindle; Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty by Nancy Etcoff in hard copy.

The last meal that impressed you? I’m a very fussy eater, so swanky food is usually lost on me. I had my birthday lunch at the Troyeville Hotel and absolutely loved it.

The last music you downloaded? Probably Justin Bieber — my seven-year-old niece is  a big fan of his; we listen to it a lot.

The thing you are eyeing next? A pair of Miu Miu cat boots. 

The one thing you will always find in your fridge? A jar of Nonna Grazia’s Chilli.

The best gift you’ve given recently? I gave my boyfriend and family members Uniqlo down jackets and, considering how often I see them wearing them, they must be the best gift I’ve ever given.

And the best one you’ve received? Wow, that one’s almost impossible to answer — I’ve been given so many generous and considerate presents. I was given a hammock for my birthday; I’m sure I’m going to spend a lot of time reading my book in it this summer.

The place that inspires you and why? I wouldn’t say there is a specific place. I get most of my inspiration from watching people and feeling anonymous in a crowd, so I love going to a new city and walking around for hours trying to get a sense of the people.

A recent special find? The Prawn Linguine at Il Leone Mastrantonio in Cape 

The last item you added to your wardrobe? A pair of deep red & Other Stories boots.

Favourite city and why? I love New York. I’ve spent a lot of time 
there, and it’s a city that continues to surprise and excite me. I feel like I’m only peeling away the outer layers now — I can’t wait to see what I discover next.

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