As founder of Durban Fashion Week and an events management company, Vanashree Singh has always had her finger on the pulse of lifestyle trends. Extending her influence into her own design label was a natural transition. 
Spending quality time with her family is as important to her as following the latest shows in Europe.

Vanashree Singh
Vanashree Singh

The one indulgence I’ll never forgo is… Chocolate, chocolate-coated nuts and ice cream.

The grooming staples I am never without are… Cleanser, toner and moisturiser routine. I had acne as a teenager so I’m meticulous about my skin-care regime. Apart from that, my Dior Natural Gloss lipstick to add a little 
sparkle, my signature Clinique Aromatics Fragrance and Khiel’s BB Cream.

My all-time favourite gadget is… For as long as I can remember it’s been my Blackberry. As much as I have transitioned to iPhone, I’m holding on to my old favourite for as long as I can.

The single object I would never part with is… My family albums. Nothing pleases me more than watching my kids page through our treasured memories.

My favourite drink… Champagne. I just love bubbly.

The restaurant I frequent most often is… Delfi, a little Greek restaurant in Durban that we have been frequenting for almost 20 years.

have always
had a special
for me

Your personal style signifier? This one challenged me – I mentally ran through my closet a dozen times trying to figure out my style signifier but my children insist it is my hair and my many hair grips.

The last thing you bought and loved? My Vanashree handbags. The first prototypes have taken centre stage of my handbag collection and I love them more and more every day.

Your favourite timepiece and why? The Graff Butterfly Diamond watch. Apart from the fact that it is truly a masterpiece, butterflies have always had a special symbolism for me – the resonance with my name and brand and their enchanting transformative nature…

An unforgettable place you’ve travelled to in the past year? Macchu 
Piccu and the Scared Valley in Peru. It has the most phenomenal energy, which 
left me in complete awe. It felt surreal and strangely nostalgic. It is definitely a place I want to visit again.

The book on your bedside table? The Fault in Our Stars (John Green), which was recommended by my daughter.

The last meal that truly impressed you? The butternut and porcini ravioli at Delaire Graff Estate restaurant (in Stellenbosch)… nothing like what I expected of a pasta dish, light and tantalising.

The last music you downloaded? Justin Timberlake and Michael Jackson: 
Love never felt so good.

The thing you are eyeing next? Hmmm… I rarely covet. I have learnt life has its way of unfolding and I am always welcoming and intrigued by new experiences.

The best gift you’ve given recently? My monthly contributions to Save the Children SA, which gifts a child in need.

And the best one you’ve received? I feel blessed every day.

The place that inspires you and why? Home: Durban. The magnificent sunrises and warm ocean. 

A recent special “find”? Chia seeds. Wow! A great antioxidant and full of omega power.

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