Lydia Shadrach-Razzino
Lydia Shadrach-Razzino
Image: Supplied

The last in our ‘When we gather’ conversation series is with lawyer, Lydia Shadrach-Razzino. As part of our July 2024 main food feature, it brings together four impressive individuals to talk about their relationship with and the transformative experience of making, eating and sharing a meal.

Shadrach-Razzino spends much of her time in boardrooms as partner & head of M&A at Baker Mckenzie SA. She hails from Chatsworth in KwaZulu-Natal but knows her way around a good roman dish or two thanks to her Italian husband.

Their shared love of food and wine has many gathering at their table, with beautiful huskies at their guests’ feet.

What is your earliest food memory?

My mother’s kitchen in Chatsworth — she was an amazing cook. Her cooking style was meticulous, rich, and full of flavour. So, my earliest food memories are of helping her in the kitchen by chopping up ingredients for a curry or washing the rice or helping her bake. She passed away in 1990, but I can still taste her lamb curry and mince curry.


Are food and wine how you unwind?

 Yes, absolutely — and then running, Pilates, padel, and yoga so that I can eat more food and drink more wine.


What is it about gathering around a table that’s special to you?

 I could probably go without food for long periods of time, but I do eat for the pleasure of it. A simple plate of food made with the best ingredients is one of the finest pleasures in life and not much makes me happier than gathering around a table with friends and family. I derive an even greater joy from the cooking experience itself and love the reward of happy people around a table eating my food. All of this must be accompanied by a beautiful table with lots of candles.


The best music to accompany food?

Classics by Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Ray Charles, Louis Prima, Louis Armstrong, and Nina Simone.


Your favourite breakfast?

 Soft, sunny-side-up eggs, crispy bacon, Durban baked-bean curry (spicy, in case you missed that) with an Eskort breakfast pork sausage.


What inspires your cooking?

My mother’s food and her style of cooking and entertaining.


Food/wine indulgences you would never forego?

GELATO!! Good chocolate, French butter, cream, cheese, abbacchio (seasonal lamb from Rome), Burgundy (red and white), SA chenin, SA shiraz, and Côte-Rôtie.


What is always in your fridge?

Truffles, caviar (our fridge moonlights as a storeroom for my husband’s business), all kinds of chillis and sauces, and Fortnum & Mason’s Seville Orange Marmalade.


Kitchen things you could never do without?

 My AMC pots (great for curry and risotto), the Thermomix, and a good set of knives.

• From the July edition of Wanted, 2024.

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